First Aid
You must be prepared for first aid emergencies at your workplace. Under the First Aid Regulation, employers must establish, maintain and visibly post all information about adequate first aid supplies, providers, equipment and facilities.
As an employer (or a contractor) you must:
- Provide and maintain first aid kits, first aid rooms and trained first aid providers. See subsection 7(0.1) and Schedule A for details about establishing kits, rooms, and training, as well as the number of first aid providers needed. Contractors on a project site must also provide and maintain first aid kits, first aid rooms, and trained first aid providers in a similar manner to all people who have access to the site.
- Assess the potential risks, and adjust the first aid supplies, equipment, services, and facilities to match those risks.
- Establish a communication plan so that employees can call for help. This plan must be in writing, describe how to contact help, provide directions and instructions on how to access the workplace, and be posted in a highly visible place. If posting is not possible, you must inform employees of the procedure.
- Prepare a transportation procedure that outlines how an injured or ill employee will be taken to the nearest health care facility. You must include suitable transportation methods given the potential distance and seriousness of injuries/illnesses, including:
- Also, provide these measures for an isolated worksite.
- Ensure the injured employee is accompanied by at least one first aid provider who is not driving the vehicle when transportation is required.
- Designate one or more employees to be a first aid provider. Keep a record of their names and post the names in a visible place. If posting the names is not practical, each employee must be informed of the providers’ names. The employer may designate an employee who is a competent medical practitioner, nurse or paramedic as a first aid provider without requiring this employee to complete the workplace first aid training.
- Ensure the first aid provider’s work does not interfere with their availability to provide first aid, and that the first aid provider has access to the protective equipment and accessories to safely carry out this function.
- Make sure each employee who is a first aid provider is trained according to CSA Group Standard Z1210-17 (R2021). This training must be appropriate to the level of risk at the workplace or the nature of the work.
- Basic first aid training is required for work that is not considered to be a high hazard
- Intermediate first aid training is required for work that is a high hazard
- Workplace first aid training must:
- Be provided by a training agency that meets the requirements of the CSA Group Z1210-17 (R2021) standard for the development and maintenance of the training program,
- Comply with the clauses of the standard, and
- Be approved by the Chief Compliance Officer.
- Include a knowledge component and practical skills demonstration of the minimum duration as set by the standard.
- The organization providing the workplace first aid training must issue a workplace first aid certificate that meets the content and format requirements specified in the standard to all first aid providers who have shown the necessary competencies satisfactorily. The certificate will be valid from the date of issue for the length of time specified in the standard.
- First aid kits are equipped as outlined in CSA standard CSA Z1220-17, "First aid kits for the workplace" which includes the size, quantity and distribution of the kits according to the number of employees per shift, and the contents of the first aid kits.
- Make sure first aid kits are located at or near the area they are to service, are accessible during all work hours, and are maintained, clean, dry and serviceable. Signs must be posted to indicate the kits’ locations, and employers must make sure all employees are aware of the location of the kits and other first aid equipment or supplies.
Additional requirements include:
- Employees must report injuries or illnesses to their employer or supervisor as soon as possible.
- First aid providers must keep written records of the name of who was injured/ill, the treatment and care provided, a description of the incident, date, name of the person providing emergency care, and date the record was made. The employer must keep this record for three years. If your place of employment has 100 or more employees per shift, the employer must provide a first aid room and ensure it meets the following requirements:
- Is at least 10 m2
- Allows easy access to a person on a stretcher
- Is located as close as possible to the workforce, and is clearly identified with a sign
- Has a sink with hot and cold running water and easy access to a toilet
- Has the following supplies:
- a first aid kit as required by the standard that is suitable for the particular risks of the workplace or work site, and for the number and location of the employees per shift.
- telephone or other means of communication
- an up-to-date list of emergency contacts
- separate cubicle or divider, with a cot or bed equipped with a moisture-protected mattress, two pillows and two blankets
- storage space, cupboard, counter, table, and two or more chairs
- Is under a first aid provider`s supervision
- Is kept in an orderly and sanitary condition
- The temperature is between 20°C and 24°C
- Is used only for providing first aid or health care and instruction to employees
The First Aid Regulation requirements do not apply if the workplace is a ferry, train, or a vehicle (used or likely to be used by an employee).