Powder Actuated Tools
Powder actuated tools are defined in the General Regulation as "a tool that, by means of an explosive force, propels or discharges a fastening device for the purpose of impinging it on, affixing it to or causing it to penetrate another object or material". Common examples include some types of nail guns and concrete fasteners.
The owner (who can also be the employer or employee who is required to use the tool) of a powder actuated tool must ensure that:
- The tool, power load and fastener meet the requirements of ANSI standard ANSI A10.3-1995, "American National Standard for Construction and Demolition Operations - Safety Requirements for Powder-Actuated Fastening Systems".
- The tool shows the manufacturer's name or trademark and the model and serial number.
- Guards for the tool show the manufacturer's name or trademark.
- The powder load of each cartridge for the tool is clearly identified.
- Boxes of fasteners for the tool show the manufacturer's name or trademark and the type or size of fastener.
- The tool has a storage container at the place of employment.
- It is inspected before being used and repaired or replaced, if necessary.
- The tool is maintained in proper working condition, and is repaired only by a competent person.
- It is kept in a proper storage place when not in use.
As an employer, you must ensure that:
- No employee operates a powder actuated tool unless the employee:
- has been trained in the use of the specific make and model and holds a valid operator's certificate for the specific tool,
- is competent to use the tool, and
- is authorized to use the tool.
- The tool is used only for the purpose for which it is designed.
- All powder actuated tools and their explosive charges are kept in a storage area that is accessible only to authorized persons.
While the employer is ultimately responsible for all the provisions mentioned above, the supervisor has a vital role to play in the safety of their teams. As a supervisor, you must:
- Acquaint your employees with the hazards and control measures associated with their work
- Provide the information and instruction necessary to ensure their health and safety
- Enforce company safety rules, programs, codes of practice and procedures, including ensuring employees comply with the requirements below.
As an employee (operator), you must:
- Operate the powder actuated tool in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
- Be competent in the use of the tools and be authorized by your employer to use the tool.
- Inspect the tool thoroughly before using it, paying particular attention to the cleanliness of the chamber and barrel.
- Not use a defective tool.
- Report the existence of a defective tool to the employer.
- Use the tool only for the purpose for which it is designed.
- Place the tool in a safe appropriate container or location. This includes not leaving tools on floors, passageways, stairways or elevation from which they might fall.
- Not point the tool at anyone.
- Load the tool only after an inspection reveals no defects and only prepare the tool for immediate use.
- Only use cartridges and fasteners designed for that tool.
- Select cartridges of sufficient power to avoid excessive force.
- Not use the tool near flammable or explosive substances.
- Not fire a fastener:
- through an existing hole unless the tool is specifically equipped by the manufacturer for accurate alignment of the barrel with the hole,
- into cast iron, glazed brick or tile, marble, granite, slate, glass or any other unusually hard or brittle material,
- into a steel surface that is of greater hardness than the fastener being used,
- with a high velocity tool into a hollow concrete block, and
- until the work area has been checked for employees working in proximity to where the fastener is going to be fired.
- When a surface's hardness is not known, use a hand hammer to drive the point of the fastener into the material and not use the tool on that surface if the fastener does not penetrate the surface.
- If a misfire occurs, continue to hold the tool in a firing position for at least 15 seconds until the cartridge has been ejected. Do not point the tool in a direction that can injure the user or others until the cartridge has been ejected.
- Wear suitable eye protective equipment (close fitting eyecup or cover-goggle type).
- Return unused cartridges to a proper storage box.
Owner of a tool means a person who has purchased, rented or otherwise obtained a tool and has the tool for use at a place of employment.
“competent” means
- (a) qualified, because of such factors as knowledge, training and experience, to do assigned work in a manner that will ensure the health and safety of persons,
- (b) knowledgeable about the provisions of the Act and the regulations that apply to the assigned work, and
- (c) knowledgeable about potential or actual danger to health or safety connected with the assigned work
General Regulation - Occupational Health and Safety
N.B. Reg. 91-191
Section 80 General Duties of an Owner
80. An owner of a tool shall ensure that the tool
(a) is of good quality material appropriate for its intended use,
(b) is inspected before being used and repaired or replaced if necessary,
(c) is maintained in proper working condition,
(d) is tempered, dressed and repaired only by a competent person,
(e) where necessary, is equipped with devices to ensure a secure hand grip,
(f) is of a non-sparking type where there is risk of an explosive atmosphere being ignited by a spark, and
(g) is kept in a proper storage place when not in use.
Section 81 General Duties of an Employer
81. An employer shall ensure that
(a) employees are competent in the safe handling and use of tools,
(a.1) employees comply with the manufacturer’s specifications when using tools,
(b) employees are instructed to use tools only for the specific purposes for which they are designed, and
(c) procedures are implemented for safely supplying tools and materials to employees located in hazardous places.
[N.B. Reg. 2024-38, s. 53]
Section 82 General Duties of a User of a Tool
82. (1) An employee who uses a tool shall use, handle and carry the tool in a safe manner.
(2) Without limiting the duties under subsection (1), an employee who uses a tool shall
(a) inspect the tool before use,
(b) not use a defective tool,
(c) report the existence of a defective tool to the employer,
(d) where competent to do so, maintain the tool in proper working condition,
(e) use the tool only for the specific purpose for which it is designed,
(f) place the tool in a safe and appropriate container or place when not in use,
(g) not leave tools on floors, passageways, stairways or elevations from which they might fall,
(h) use a holding device to hold a tool that is to be struck by another employee, and
(i) not point at any person a tool that ejects pins, nails or any other projectile.
Section 87 Powder Actuated Tools
87. An owner of a powder actuated tool shall ensure that
(a) the tool, power load and fastener meet the requirements of ANSI standard ANSI A10.3-1995, "American National Standard for Construction and Demolition Operations - Safety Requirements for Powder-Actuated Fastening Systems",
(b) the tool is legibly and durably marked to show the manufacturer's name or trademark and the model and serial number,
(c) guards for the tool are legibly and durably marked to show the manufacturer's name or trademark,
(d) the powder load of each cartridge for the tool is clearly identified,
(e) boxes of fasteners for the tool are legibly and durably marked to show the manufacturer's name or trademark and the type or size of fastener, and
(f) the tool has a storage container at the place of employment.
[N.B. Reg. 2001-33, s. 28]
Section 88
88. An employer shall ensure that
(a) no employee operates a powder actuated tool unless the employee
(i) has been trained in the use of the specific make and model of the tool to be used and is in possession of a valid operator's certificate,
(ii) is competent to use the tool, and
(iii) is authorized to use the tool, and
(b) all powder actuated tools and their explosive charges are kept in a storage area that is accessible only to persons who are authorized to handle them.
Section 89
89. An employee who uses a powder actuated tool shall
(a) inspect the tool thoroughly before using it, paying particular attention to the cleanliness of the chamber and barrel;
(b) load the tool only after inspection reveals that the breech and barrel are free of foreign matter and only to prepare the tool for immediate use;
(c) use only cartridges and fasteners designed for the tool;
(d) select cartridges of sufficient power to perform the work without the application of excessive force;
(e) not use the tool in the presence of flammable or explosive substances;
(f) not fire a fastener
(i) through an existing hole unless the tool is specifically equipped by the manufacturer for accurate alignment of the barrel with the hole,
(ii) into cast iron, glazed brick or tile, marble, granite, slate, glass or any other unusually hard or brittle material,
(iii) into a steel surface that is of greater hardness than the fastener being used,
(iv) with a high velocity tool into a hollow concrete block, and
(v) until the work area has been checked for employees working in proximity to where the fastener is going to be fired;
(g) when the hardness of a surface is not known, use a hand hammer to drive the point of the fastener into the material and not use the tool on that surface if the fastener does not penetrate the surface;
(h) if a misfire occurs, continue to hold the tool in a firing position for not less than fifteen seconds and then, until the cartridge has been ejected, keep the tool pointed in a direction which will not cause injury to the user or others;
(i) wear suitable eye protective equipment of the close fitting eyecup or cover-goggle type;
(j) return unused cartridges to a proper storage box; and
(k) operate it in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
[N.B. Reg. 97-121, s. 18]
Abrasive Blasting and High Pressure Washing Tools